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Player's Guide

Principles for Players


  • Attributes and related saves do not define your character. They are tools.

  • Don’t ask only what your character would do; ask what you would do, too.

  • Be creative with your intuition, items, and connections.


  • Seek consensus from the other players before barreling forward.

  • Stay on the same page about goals and limits, respecting each other, and accomplishing more as a group than alone.


  • Asking questions and listening to details is more useful than any stats, items, or skills you have.

  • Take the DM’s description without suspicion, but don’t shy away from seeking more information.

  • There is no single correct way forward.


  • Treat NPCs as if they were real people, and rely on your curiosity to safely gain information and solve problems.

  • You’ll find that most people are interesting and will want to talk things through before getting violent.


  • Fighting is a choice and rarely a wise one; consider whether violence is the best way to achieve your goals.

  • Try to stack the odds in your favor and retreat when things seem unfavorable.


  • Think of ways to avoid obstacles through reconnaissance, subtlety, and fact-finding.

  • Do some research and ask around about your objectives.


  • Set goals and use your meager means to take steps forward.

  • Keep things moving forward and play to see what happens.

Character Creation

The two most important things to know about your character are who they are and what role you want them to play in their adventures. Find out what kind of game the DM plans to run and what types of characters he intends to allow. Then start filling in the details:

Ability Scores

Four numbers called Ability scores are the building blocks of a character, representing their innate abilities and characteristics that help them to perform certain actions. There are four Ability Scores: two physical (strength and dexterity) and two mental (insight and willpower). Strength (STR) is raw power, toughness, grit, & stamina. Dexterity (DEX) related to nimbleness, precision, agility. Insight (INS) is the ability to read people and the environment. Willpower (WIL) is your confidence, force of personality.

Ability scores range from 1 to 20. For reference, most normal humans have scores in the 8-12 range. Scores of 8 or below are evident to people around you - You might be perceived as frail (for STR), clumsy (DEX), clueless (INS), or fickle (WIL).

Players can generate their character’s ability scores by either rolling the dice or through a points system - ask the DM if they want to choose one in specific.

Point-buy: The player can freely distribute 48 points across the four abilities, with a couple restrictions: every score must be between a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 15.

Dice Roll: The player should roll 3d6 for each of their character’s ability scores, in order. If a player rolls 1 in a die, they can roll again. Finally, they may then swap any two of the results.

Example: Ines rolls for her character’s STR, resulting in a 3, a 4, and a 6, totaling 13. The next tree ability rolls result in a 9 for DEX, a 10 for INS, and a 13 for WIL. She decides to swap the 13 and the 9, for a character with 9 STR, 13 DEX, 10 for INS and and 13 WIL.

Hit Protection

Hit Protection (HP) reflects the character’s ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not indicate a character’s health or fortitude, nor do they lose it for very long (see Healing). If an attack takes a PC’s HP to 0, the player must roll on the Scars table.

Players using dice rolls to generate their character should roll 1d6 to determine the PC’s starting HP.

Players using points should pick their character’s lowest physical attribute score (STR or DEX) and divide by tree, rounded. Example: Gabe distributes his 48 points, resulting in a character with 11 STR, 13 DEX, 10 for INS, and 12 WIL. Since the lowest physical attribute is 11 (for STR), they calculate the HP by dividing 11 by 3 (3.66666) and rounding it, for a final HP of 4.


Feats are a way to further customize a character. They represent valuable traits that give a mental, physical, or social “edge” over other characters who otherwise have the same abilities. Characters start with one feat but can gain more during adventuring.

The tables below list the available feats that a new character can pick from. The complete lists of feats and their details can be found in the Feats chapter.

A PC initial Feat should be selected with strategy in mind: they are tools that can enhance a character’s strengths or mitigate their weaknesses. Otherwise, to choose by luck, players should roll 1D4 to select one of the categories in the tables below then the appropriate die within that category.

Combat & SurvivalCovert & Social Operations
1Adrenaline Rush1Alternate Identity
3Hard to Kill3Erased
4Weapon Proficiency4Stealthy
5Unarmed Combatant5Charisma
6Precise6Cunning Hands
7Field Medic7Escape Artist
8Discriminatory senses8Parkour
Technological & Intellectual MasteryCybernetic Augmentations
1Drone Master1Critical damage stabilizer
2Metalhead Companion *2Enhanced Lungs
3Eidetic Memory3Thermal Regulation
4Specialist4Neuralhack Expander *
5Vehicle Prodigy5Bionic Hand
6Quick Sleep6Hidden Compartment
7Dermal Armor
8Utility Hand

Feats marked with (*) require that the player spend money to acquire, modify or implant equipment. Check the feats section for more details, or simply choose the corresponding gear pack.

Hacking slots

Every player’s character (PC) in the game is a neuromancer, able to run hacks - however, this doesn’t necessarily mean that “hackers” are the only possible type of character. A player can create a character focused, for example, on raw physical power and have a few hacks that can help them deal damage. Or an infiltrator kind of character with hacks related to social engineering and evasion. Of course, creating an all-in hacker PC capable of breaching systems, manipulating the AR world, and more is also possible.

PCs possess two initial hack slots, representing the character’s capacity to maintain, recall, and run different neuromancer hacks. As they advance, characters might expand their hack slots. Characters with the Neuralhack Expander feat start with three additional hack slots, for a total of 5, but they have to spend money to buy the implant (See Gear and Money).

The tables below list the Hacks a new player can choose - for the complete list and all the details, refer to the Hacks chapter.

Similarly to Feats, Hacks should be selected with strategy in mind. However, players can still pick randomly by rolling 1D6 to choose one of the categories in the tables below and then the appropriate die within that category.

Connected Objects ManipulationAugmented Reality hacks
1Activation Alert1Auditory Illusion
2Active Armor Push2Dispel AR
3Battery Zap3Echoes
4Detect device4Neural Stun
5Detect Security Sensors5Mirage I
6Manipulate Security Sensors6Sensory Proxy
7Identify Owner7Silent Speak
8Lock Gun8Virtual Veil
9Manipulate Communication feed
10Open Lock 1
11Jam lock 1
12Weapon jailbreak
Local System PenetrationMetalhead Hacks
1Control Environment1Command
2Logic Bomb2Emergency Override
3Modify without trace3Extract route
4Purge4Metalhead Sensory Proxy
6Server Disruption6Virtual Fence
7Silence Protocol
8Synthetic Alibi
Self HacksSocial Engineering Hacks
1Adrenal Override1Addle Brain
2Altered Time Rate2Confidence Cascade
3Memory Pack3Confusion
4Metabolic slowdown4Detect Neuralink
5Pain Transference5Emotion Trigger
6Sensory Amplification6Sense emotion

Gear and money

Every character has a backpack with six slots for gear (it also doubles as an emergency sleeping bag if emptied of its contents). Additionally, they can have gear on their body (such as carried weapons, armor, etc) for a total of 10 inventory slots. Most items take up one slot, and small items can be bundled together. Slots are abstract and can be rearranged per the DM’s judgment.

PCs have $5,000 of starting money to buy gear, including armor, weapons, and tools (Check the Equipment tables for details.)

Alternatively, players may choose one of the starting gear packs below for the most common types of characters.

Gear Packs

Metalhead Companion: An urban fighter and their mechanical ally. Requires Metalhead Companion feat.

  • Heavy Pistol
  • Aramid (Armor 3, bulky)
  • A Metalhead companion a heavily modified equipment to include an AI with personality, among others. Choose between a second-hand Spot-1 or a Tactical Maglev Drone with articulated claw and 30-round 9mm automatic gun.
  • Starting money: $10

All-in hacker: Although every PC has the ability to run hacks, this character chose to specialize in hacking. Requires Neuralhack Expander feat.

  • Pistol
  • Nano Ceramic vest (Armor 5, bulky)
  • Neuralhack Expander implanted (Grants 3 additional hack slots)
  • Starting money: $250

Operational Sustainer / Field Medic: Urban Fighter specialized in defense and combat field triage/stabilization.

  • SMG (bulky)
  • Stun Baton
  • Nano Ceramic vest (Armor 5, bulky) with active shielding (+ 1 Armor)
  • Flashbang x 3
  • MedKit x 3
  • Starting money: $455

Infiltrator / Scout: Stealth-focused operative. Carries a variety of tools and weapons optimized for covert operations and intelligence gathering.

  • Pistol with silencer
  • RailGun with a pack of assorted projectiles
  • Padded Tactical Jacket (Armor 2) with Active Armor Push (+ 1 Armor)
  • Night Vision AR Module
  • Sticky explosive x2
  • Fiber Rope
  • Plasma Cutter
  • Starting money: $250

Tank: The heavy-hitter of the group, prioritizing raw firepower

  • Small Vibroblade
  • Heavy Pistol
  • Assault Rifle
  • Nano Ceramic (Armor 5, bulky) with active shielding (+1 Armor)
  • Starting money: $20

Social Engineer / Face: Focuses on manipulation, persuasion, and social infiltration.

  • Pistol with silencer
  • Nootropics auto-injector (hidden, 30 pill equivalent of pharmaceutical cognitive enhancers: +1 INS & +1 WIL for 1 hour).
  • Designer Wardrobe with Adaptive Camouflage: High-fashion clothing that can change its appearance, adapting to different social settings or providing a small level of camouflage in certain environments.(Equivalent to a tactical jacket - Armor 2).
  • Jewelry-Concealed EMP
  • Starting money: $800

Finishing Touches


Anonymity is power; every PC in this world uses a codename. Use the name fragment tables below for inspiration or roll of a 1D20 for each. Merge the chosen fragments for something like “NetRunner”, “ShadowLynx,” or “HoloNova”.

Table 1:


Table 2:



These are optional suggestions to help flesh out what a character might look and behave like.

You can describe your own way, use the tables below for inspiration, or roll for random traits and qualities.

Distinctive physical characteristics

2Brawny7Buzzed hair
5Multicolor-Dyed hair10Towering






Feats are specialized skills or enhancements that set characters apart, ranging from background training, natural talent, or cybernetic modifications. Most feats grant an advantage on specific rolls; however, some introduce special rules, adding layers of strategy and depth to gameplay. The DM’s role is to weave these feats into the narrative, and players must strategize with them in mind.

Adrenaline RushAny time you roll the maximum value for your damage die, you can make another attack on a different target.
Alternate IdentityMaintain a secondary, seemingly legitimate identity with associated documents. Useful for evading identification by agencies.
AmbidexterityPossess equal proficiency with both hands, allowing attacks with two weapons. See combat rules for details.
CharismaA natural flair to captivate and lead others, granting advantage in tasks like persuasion, flirting, entertaining, or distraction.
ContactsYou possess a contact who offers valuable intel or performs minor, specific favors for you.
Cunning HandsExcel in tasks requiring precise sleight of hand, like concealing items or subtly placing something on someone.
CyberWear: Bionic HandA bionic hand adds one point to the character’s DX when performing any manual task involving that hand.
CyberWear: Enhanced LungsEnhanced lung capacity with filters, allowing for longer breath holding or resistance to airborne toxins.
CyberWear: Hidden CompartmentYou have a bionic arm or leg with a hidden compartment large enough for any reasonably shaped small object that doesn’t exceed 1 kg.
CyberWear: Neuralhack ExpanderA specialized interface designed to optimize and compartmentalize neural pathways. Adds 3 more hack slots
CyberWear: Thermal RegulationImplants that allow your body to regulate its temperature, providing resistance to extreme cold or heat.
CyberWear: Critical damage stabilizerSubdermal Implant that disperses bionano-activated stem cells upon critical damage, automatically stabilizing the character to prevent death within the next hour.
CyberWear: Dermal ArmorA discreet subcutaneous protective mesh. Adds +1 armor without altering your appearance.
CyberWear: Utility HandThis cybernetic hand contains an assortment of compact, concealed tools, ensuring you’re always equipped for relevant skill tasks. When used as an improvised weapon, it inflicts damage equivalent to a knife.
Discriminatory SensesYour hearing, smell, touch, and taste are above human average: you can see in low light, have an expanded hearing frequency range and can detect subtle vibrations and textures, allowing identification of individuals by voice or machines by sound. Detect substances by taste or smell and sense subtle environmental changes.
Drone MasterAbility to control up to 3 drones simultaneously
Eidetic MemoryPossess a remarkable memory, allowing automatic success in recalling past events with accurate details.
ErasedThere are no official records of your existence. Immune to governmental or corporate persecutions, but risks arise if detected. However, if discovered, you may face intensive scrutiny and interrogation.
Escape ArtistGain advantage when rolling to wriggle free from a restraint.
Field MedicRestore 1d4 STR damage daily with a medkit. This depletes the medkit.
Hard to KillExceptionally resilient, granting an advantage when making life-saving rolls.
Metalhead CompanionA loyal, autonomous metalhead. It has a very sophisticated AI for its type. It assists your character in adventures and communicates with them (and while typically amiable, they aren’t mere puppets and can sometimes disagree.). The character needs to purchase the Drone/Metalhead.
ParkourGain advantage in activities involving jumping, climbing, falling, or using levpacks.
Physical ResiliencePossess remarkable endurance and stamina. Add two more inventory slots.
PreciseRe-roll damage rolls of 1.
Quick SleepRequire only four hours for full rest and recovery from Fatigue at double the normal rate.
SpecialistYou have deep knowledge in one specific area, like thievery or engineering. This feat can be selected multiple times for various knowledge areas.
Unarmed CombatantYour bare hands are lethal weapons, rivaling the threat of knives in less skilled hands. Get advantage when rolling damage for unarmed attacks
StealthyMove silently and undetected, gaining an advantage in stealth-related rolls.
Vehicle ProdigyExceptional skill in piloting a specific class of vehicle, be it land, sea, or air.
Weapon ProficiencySpecialized training or talent with a specific weapon, providing an advantage when using that weapon.


Neuromancers possess a unique form of power: they run hacks. Through their Neuralink implants, they interact with the connected landscape around them. When a PC says they’re “running a hack”, they must then add a Fatigue to inventory, occupying one slot.

Hacking objects and devices

In this world, everything is connected --- from AR interfaces like Neuralinks to everyday items like door locks, clothes, and even grocery packages. Some objects are connected directly to the Internet, but most use a peer-to-peer, low-power protocol called “beehive”, allowing connections within a 50-foot/30-meter radius. While they don’t connect directly to the Internet, they form a mesh network by connecting to every other object around - and those with direct Internet connection securely share access so beehive-only objects can transfer data as needed.

Neuromancers can interface with these mesh networks, bypassing their security to perform actions like detecting devices and unlocking doors. This also means that most hacks require the Neuromancer to be present within the action scene or vicinity to run a hack. They can’t be on the other side of the city and expect to access a specific mesh network — they need to be immersed in the environment where the action is taking place.

Activation Alert

Plant this hack on a target object or device, then receive an alert when someone tries to use it (Like a door lock, an appliance, a toy…). If the Neuromancer is nearby, they will receive the alert immediately; otherwise, the alert will be delayed since the device has to wait for a bridge device in the mesh network to give it internet access.

Active Armor Push

Check Active Shielding Armor in the equipments section. This hack aligns all vectored charges in a single direction, then detonates them, dealing 1D4 damage and pushing the target up to 5 feet. Targets must make a DEX save to avoid stun and losing their turn. Usable once per Active Shielding Armor.

Battery Zap

Inflicts 1d4 damage by forcing a device with high-voltage capacitors (like tasers, Gauss rifles, portable EMPs, and active armors) to rapidly discharge beyond safety limits. This results in intense heat and an electrical arc, affecting the individual holding/wearing the device.

Detect device

Detects any type of equipment connected in mesh. Players can choose one kind of object (metalheads, guns, active armor, drones, keycards, etc) to find those in range.

Detect Security Sensors

Identifies security measures like infrared (IR) laser tripwires, motion detectors, and pressure-sensitive floors in high-security zones. This hack scans for any security devices designed to detect unauthorized presence.

Manipulate Security Sensors

Disables or alters security sensors’ functions. For instance, it can adjust IR sensors to ignore the neuromancers’ movements. The player can also use this manipulation creatively instead of simply disabling to pass through. For example, A Neuromancer detects an area covered by motion sensors, but instead of disabling them, they see an opportunity to cause a distraction to the security team: they set the sensors to a much higher sensitivity, triggering false alarms from minor disturbances.

Identify Owner

Reveals the name of the person this object is registered to, if there are any.

Lock Gun

In this world, every single firearm and gauss rifle legally sold is “smart”: Connected to other devices and automatically locked. Only a registered user (or users) can fire them (detection happens either via biometry or a transponder). This hack tricks a gun safety locking mechanism, causing it to lock even for its registered user.

Manipulate Communication feed

Watch or override real-time video/audio feeds from standalone devices like security cameras and microphones, excluding integrated systems like AR interfaces or metalheads.

Open Lock 1

Hack used for opening digital locks on doors and windows. This hack works for all locks, from homes to office buildings, except for high-security domains (military, some corporation headquarters). DM can assume that all locks in this world are digital (passwords, cards, or biometry), except when having a physical key is essential to the narrative.

Open Lock 2

Hack used for opening digital locks on doors and windows in high-security systems, often reserved for military applications and advanced defense mechanisms. Prerequisite: Open Lock 1

Jam lock 1

It makes a lock inoperative, jamming the door in its current state (locked or unlocked). Works for all sorts of locks outside of high-security domains.

Jam lock 2

Makes high-security lock inoperative. Prerequisite: Jam Lock 1

Weapon jailbreak

This hack breaks a smart gun safety locking mechanism that restricts usage to a designated person, letting the gun be used by anybody.

Local System penetration

Everything that is connected can be hacked or stolen. Thus, complete disconnection is the only safe way to securely store and handle sensitive data. Corporations often have secure servers on their buildings, where employees must be physically present within specialized faraday cage workspaces --- shielded environments where they can interact with server data via augmented reality while ensuring no signal will leak.

In game terms, this means that infiltrating a physical location is necessary to perform a hack on these systems. Once a Neuromancer gains access to one of these secured workspaces, they can automatically bypass the digital defenses and logins. They can freely search, retrieve, and copy files and data; however, they must run hacks to make changes.

Control Environment

Allows you to control physical elements within the place. Architectures like elevators, sprinklers, lights, etc.

Logic Bomb

Plants a delayed-action hack that can disrupt, destroy, or alter data at a specified time or when certain conditions are met.

Modify without trace

Modify any data on the system without leaving a log of your activity.


Purge will spread through all local nodes in the system and delete all data.


Encrypt files and data, locking them down under a secure password. Often used for leverage, the target will be forced to negotiate to regain access.

Server Disruption

A powerful hack that can temporarily ‘stun’ servers, causing a loss of function that can bring operations to a standstill, similar to an EMP effect but targeted and without physical damage.

Silence Protocol

This hack mutes all alarms and notifications for a duration, allowing other invasive operations to be carried out without immediate detection.

Synthetic Alibi

Generates false activity logs, making it appear as though a real user (chosen by the Neuromancer) was active in the system at a specific time, which can be used to fabricate alibis or cast suspicion elsewhere.

Augmented Reality hacks

Since everyone uses an augmented reality implant, these can manipulate perceived reality.

Auditory Illusion

Manipulate a target’s AR to create illusory sounds that seem to come from a direction of your choice.

Dispel AR

Dispels a piece of AR, either created by other hacks (Mirage, Virtual Veil) or a permanent world piece of AR, like a sign, building facade, etc.


Renders a visual trail on everything the target sees and echoes all sounds they can hear. It would be akin to taking a dose of LSD. Causes confusion, loss of balance, dizziness, and vertigo. It lasts 3 minutes but can be run repeatedly by the neuromancer to make the effect last longer.

Neural Stun

This attack momentarily bypasses an AR’s safety-level filters to pull tremendous noise and blinding flashes: The target rolls a DEX save and gets stunned for 1D4 rounds on failure.

Mirage I

Manipulate a target’s AR to display and control a virtual element - like a fake menu, information/stats, notifications, navigational arrows, virtual decoration, signs, etc… The illusion is clearly a virtual object, not supposed to look like a real thing.

Mirage II

Expands on Augmented Mirage I, allowing the projection and controlling of elements that seem real: A door that is not there, a blockage in the sidewalk… Neuromancers can try to go bigger and make an illusion of a metalhead or a person, but bigger illusions give the target the opportunity to roll an INS save to detect that what they’re seeing looks uncanny. This hack always requires a WIL save, and the DM can apply a disadvantage depending on the type of illusion.

Sensory Proxy

A neuromancer can plant this hack on local an AR interface, then recall it over distance to experience what the target sees and hears.

Silent Speak

Project your voice into someone’s AR interface or through a speaker/comm system without vocalizing. Allows neuromancer-to-neuromancer communication. If both neuromancers want, they can continue communication when they’re apart, moving it over the Internet instead of local mesh.

Virtual Veil

Cloak an object or person in the immediate vicinity, making them invisible or unnoticeable through AR interfaces. This doesn’t affect metalheads or people watching through a video feed, for example. The Neuromancer needs to keep concentrating on this hack continuously and will add a Fatigue to inventory for every 10 minutes of execution.

Metalhead Hacks

Metalhead hacks are specialized techniques designed to subtly reprogram autonomous robotic entities. Metalhead hacks always require a WIL save, and the DM can apply a disadvantage depending on the metalhead.


The Neuromancer issues a single-word command that becomes irrefutable to the metalhead (except if the command would cause the metalhead to harm itself). For completely controlling a metalhead, see overrides.

Emergency Override

Trigger a Metalhead’s emergency protocols, forcing it into a safety mode where it powers down or returns to its docking station for an imaginary ‘emergency’, thus clearing the area. It’s a more extended hack, requiring 1D20 minutes to accomplish. If the Neuromancer gets distracted, they might need to start again.

Extract route

Allows the Neuromancer to see a map of the latest movements of this metalhead.

Metalhead Sensory Proxy

A neuromancer can plant this hack on metalhead, then recall it over distance to experience what the target sees and hears.


Temper a metalhead aggression protocols. It won’t change their directive: A Metalhead programmed to guard a door will still try to prevent you from going through - but instead of shooting, it might try to grapple you, for example.

Virtual Fence

Allows the Neuromancer to draw an invisible boundary a metalhead cannot cross

Self Hacks

The journey to become a Neuromancer is a journey of self-discovery. As neuromancers delve into the art of self-hacking, they unlock profound abilities that alter their own biological framework. These internal alterations are not without risks, requiring a deep understanding of one’s own limits and potentials.

Adrenal Override

Tap into your body’s adrenaline system to override exhaustion and pain. Players can use this self-hack to clean 3 Fatigue marks on the inventory slots at the cost of -1 on the PC STR (due to body stress)

Altered Time Rate

For one turn, your own rate of time perception becomes faster than that of a normal human. Lets you experience time twice as fast as a normal — that is, you experience two subjective seconds for each real second that passes. Your body doesn’t actually move faster, but you can make quicker decisions, meaning that lets you take one additional maneuver on your turn in combat, allowing you to shoot multiple rounds, and cast 2 hacks on the same turn. Out of combat, the Altered Time Rate allows you the luxury of extensive planning, even in crisis situations, as everything seems to happen in slow motion.

Memory Pack

Temporarily enhances short-term memory retention, allowing the Neuromancer to quickly absorb and recall large amounts of information. When trying to remember, the player rolls a WIL save.

Metabolic slowdown

Allows the neuromancer to manipulate their own biological processes, such as heart rate, blood circulation, digestion, and breathing. This unique hack enables a trance that mirrors death. To the untrained eye, the PC appear lifeless. The PC defense becomes non-existent in this state: your hit protection goes to zero. PC’s predetermine a mental “timer” to awaken after a certain amount of time has passed.

Pain Transference

Converts incoming pain signals into something more manageable, like mild discomfort or a tingling sensation, allowing the Neuromancer to endure situations that would normally be debilitating due to pain.


The neuromancer recalls a single forgotten or obscured fact or event as if they had run “Memory Pack” at the time. Requirements: Memory Pack

Sensory Amplification

Enhance your natural senses for 1d4 hours. Acts like the Discriminatory Senses feat.

Social Engineering Hacks

Social Engineering Hacks leverage Neuralink implants to manipulate social interactions. These hacks are precise tools for influence but require that the target have a neuralink implant.

Addle Brain

Disrupts neural activity in the prefrontal cortex, impairing the target’s executive functions and decision-making capabilities. Target must pass WIL save or drop to 1 WIL for 30 minutes.

Confidence Cascade

Amplify the Neuromancer’s social signaling, making them appear more trustworthy and authoritative to the target.


Subtly disrupt the neural feedback in a target’s brain, causing momentary confusion or distraction, useful in delicate negotiations or escapes.

Detects if the target has a Neuralink implant

Emotion Trigger

Influence an individual’s mood by subtly altering the output of their Neuralink implant, inducing calm, fear, or aggression.

Sense emotion

Senses an individual’s mood and broad emotions they are feeling at the moment.


Bulky items take up two inventory slots and are typically two-handed or awkward to carry.


Tactical Jacket (Armor 2)A padded jacket made with fabric layers intertwined with a shear-thickening fluid that hardens upon impact$400
Aramid (Armor 3, bulky)Standard vest made from aramid fibers, commonly known as Kevlar.$800
Aramid High Density (Armor 4, bulky)Enhanced high-density aramid vest for superior protection.$1,300
Nano Ceramic (Armor 5, bulky)High-density aramid vest reinforced with nano-ceramic elements.$1,800
Active shielding (+ 1 Armor)Add-on to any armor, an array of sensors, extremely powerful electromagnets, and vectorized explosive micro-charges. When incoming metallic objects like bullets or explosion shards are inches away, it activates the electromagnets in the impacted region and detonates the closest charge. The strong magnetic field and shockwave decelerate the bullet$550


All firearms legally sold come with a biometric lock that only allows the weapon to be used by its owner. These prices are for the legal market. Jailbroken (unlocked) firearms can be found on the black market, and it’s often around 50% more expensive. It’s up to the DM to allow or not the PCs to acquire jailbroken guns from the beginning.

PistolA compact, 9mm semi-automatic handgun for concealed carry and personal defense.1D640450
Heavy PistolA large-caliber semi-automatic pistol with a reinforced frame and extended barrel.1D815750
Machine PistolA portable military weapon, typical of firing a .40 caliber bullet without a casing from a magazine with 30 rounds.3D4301300
SMGA compact 9mm submachine gun designed for close-quarters combat. Features a folding stock and rapid-fire capability.3D6Bulky501700
Assault CarbineA short automatic bullpup-style rifle with double magazines of 30 charges, which feed the same firing chamber.2D10Bulky30/302350
Assault RifleA versatile 5.56 mm automatic rifle with a modular design, allowing for various attachments.2D8Bulky301800
Sniper RifleA long-range weapon designed for precision shooting, chambered in .3382D10Heavy103800
ShotgunA powerful firearm designed for close-quarters combat. Fires multiple pellets at once.4D6Bulky8900
Stun GunDEX Save vs Impaired 1 round, S-R, recharges in 1 roundN/A5380

Ammunition Types

Basic Ammunition

Cost: 10 per 10 units This is the standard ammunition for the weapon. It has no special features. Armor-Piercing Ammunition: $100 per 10 units Ammo Types Available: All except Shotgun Shells. Adds 1 point damage to each rolled dice.

Rubber Ammunition: Cost: $10 per 10 units Ammo Types Available: All. Used for riot control. Inflict half the damage of conventional ammunition (However, it can be lethal, especially if it hits the head or vital organs). Lower the damage by half.

Gauss Rifle

A Gauss Rifle (commonly known as RailGun) is a weapon that uses electromagnetism to propel its rounds: It’s Completely silent, but projectiles go slower. Allows for different kinds of projectiles that will produce different effects.

RailGunGauss RifleBulky40 rounds$1,800

Projectile Types

Stun: $20 per 10 units

  • The projectile opens its shell when propelled, revealing needles and a fast discharge capacitor.

  • Character rolls save vs.  Impaired 1 round.

Explosive: $25 per 10 units.

  • The projectile explodes when hitting the target. 2D8 damage

EMP: $100 per 10 units

  • Upon hitting, the projectile emits an electromagnetic pulse: Any small equipment is entirely disabled, larger equipments are partially disabled. Some equipments have to be manually restarted to work again; sensitive and military equipment will automatically restart in 1d20 minutes (or at the discretion of the GM).

Track Cam: $100 per 10 units

  • Has to be synced to a person via a complicated mechanism - neuromancers can immediately connect effortlessly. Will take a burst of 30-100 photos (depending on the range) and transit wirelessly to the synced person’s AR. With the railgun strength set to a low level, It’s completely silent except for the slight noise of projectile hitting something.

Flare: $20 per 10 units.

  • It emits a flare trail invisible to anyone except the synced people, who see it clearly overlaid on their AR. Lasts for 30 minutes.

Pack of assorted projectiles: $400 for 50 Stun, 30 Explosive, 10 EMP, 10 Track Cam, 10 Flare.

Melee weapons

Vibroblade: These weapon’s blades vibrate thousands of times per second, producing devastating damage compared to a regular blade. Because they vibrate so rapidly, their movement is invisible.

Stun Batons: Also known as shock sticks, they can deliver a low-power electric shock used to disrupt the victim’s nervous system. They are commonly used by the police.

Small VibrobladeConcealable, like a folding knife, Dagger, or fist weapon.1D6$80
Medium VibrobladeAxe or machete1D8Bulky$200
Stun BatonStuns the target for 1 turn1D4Bulky$120


FlashbangFlash Grenade (DEX save or stunned for 1D4 rounds) Ineffective against metalheads.N/A50
Sticky explosive (Timer OR remote activation)1D850
Sticky EMP Bomb (timer OR remote activation)N/A125


Specialized modules can further enhance and customize the AR experience for users.

Night VisionA module that enhances low-light environments, providing clear visuals by amplifying available light in AR.$800
Thermal VisionA module that overlays an infrared spectrum on your AR view, allowing for heat tracking.$800
Radiation DetectorThis module detects various types of radiation within a certain range, alerting the user to potential hazards.$1,000
ZoomAllows users to magnify distant objects within their AR view, with adjustable zoom levels.$750
Peripheral VisionExpands the user’s field of view, providing a 180-degree visual range.$850


PlastiskinThis is an antiseptic plastic bandage designed to protect the wound area, acting as a substitute for regular skin (Matches the person’s skin tone / only noticeable upon close examination). The bandage falls off once the tissue has healed. Can also be used to cover tattoos, scars, or in disguises.$25
Personal Bio Emergency KitContains a combination of antiseptic and a sprayable smart-bandage polymer to seal the wound. An auto-injection pen contains antibiotic & targeted bionano-activated stem cells with your DNA signature that accelerates your body’s natural regeneration. Can only be taken by the assigned person.$1,500
Med KitMedical kit for frontline use. Contains spray polymers and Plastiskin for wound closure, auto-injectors to address infections & compact tools$75
NootropicsPowerful and illegal synthetic molecules which improve cognitive functions (+1 INS, +1 WIL for 1 hour). 10 capsules.$300


Flashlight (80’ light, directional)$35
Rations (1 day worth, small)$10
Fiber Rope (50’)$20
Silver tape$10
Super Glue (3 charges, small)$10
Sledgehammer (D8, bulky)$50
Plasma Cutter (cut through plastic, glass, and metal)$200
Gadgeteering toolkit: tools, Multiple sizes of FPGA chips, micro 3d printer, etc.$1,900
Signal Jammer$200

Drones & Metalheads


Each drone has base features and a specified number of ‘slots’ for accessories.

Foldable Cam DronePortable foldable drone, just a flying camera, No accessories slot$780
Maglev Scout DroneUsing magnetic vectors, toroidal propellers, and air jets, it offers quiet flight in urban settings. 1 accessory slot$1,200
Tactical Maglev Drone (bulky)Same technology of magnetic vectors, toroidal propellers, and air jets with more capacity. 3 accessory slots$2,400
Aerial Transport Drone (Unwieldy)A larger drone designed for transporting goods or even a small person. Comes with a built-in harness. 6 accessory slots.$10,000

Drone Accessories

30-round 9mm automatic gun$350
Explosive (Will destroy the drone itself and cause 2D8 damage)$70
articulated claw (can pick up and put stuff on the sealed container)$700
Sealed transport container$50
Signal Jammer (Blocks communications in a radius)$400
Environmental Sensor Suite (Detects gases, radiation, temperature)$700


The GexV is a compact, high-speed, terrestrial drone designed for rapid deployment and pursuit. Built for speed and resilience, it boasts an impressive armored frame capable of withstanding significant damage while maintaining

top speeds of up to 100 miles per hour. Armed for engagement, the GexV comes equipped with a 7.5mm gun, capable of delivering a barrage of firepower at a rate of 900 rounds per minute (4D10), with an ample reserve of 6000 rounds stored within its chassis. Optionally, the GexV can carry two micro-spike missiles.


Advanced robotics are ubiquitous in daily life. Agile and resilient, they move around the city in public spaces, homes, and corporate buildings, doing all sorts of jobs. Their internal metal frameworks and mimicry of human and animal forms have led people to affectionately call them “metalheads.”


Sentinel is a security robot initially designed for the vigilant oversight of public spaces. It’s about as tall as a person and moves smoothly on tracks, so it can easily roll through crowds. The Sentinel isn’t armed; its job is to be there, watch, and be seen (providing a subtle level of intimidation). It has cameras all around to see everything and a speaker to give out instructions or warnings. Corporations became big buyers of Sentinels, retrofitting them with surveillance capabilities to track individuals of interest or monitor employee productivity.

Spot 1

Spot 1 stands as the first widely accessible, multipurpose robot, achieving global sales in the millions. Its compact size, agility, and ability to carry significant weight have made it a valuable asset in various settings. It serves as an aid for the elderly and people with disabilities, assists maintenance crews and handymen, becomes an office helper, and, inevitably, is used by security forces large and small. Its popularity generated a multitude of third-party accessories (articulated arms and grippers, different types of cargo containers and bags, customized tool kits for specific maintenance tasks, etc.) and a second-hand market (prices ranging from $4,500 to $10,000). The Watch’nPatrol variant is outfitted with sophisticated sensory equipment, and one of its front limbs is modified to discharge 9mm Luger rounds, holding a 16-round capacity. While not an AGI, Spot 1 is powered by a competent AI system. These robots can operate in unison, forming a networked swarm to execute coordinated tasks ranging from surveillance to tactical maneuvers.

Spot Ultra


Spot Ultra is the advanced iteration of the original multipurpose robot, designed with a focus on security, especially for corporation’s private forces. Its frame, made from composite materials, is built to endure the stress of combat and demanding environments. The robot’s movement is swift and precise, with enhanced actuators that enable it to navigate complex terrain. It incorporates technologies that minimize noise and reduce its thermal signature, making it an ideal candidate for covert operations. Spot Ultra is also capable of hosting a range of defensive equipment. Its framework allows for the integration of modular weapon systems, including non-lethal options for crowd control or, where permitted, more aggressive defense mechanisms. The sophisticated AI of Spot Ultra doesn’t possess AGI-level adaptability but offers exceptional reliability in surveillance, coordinated maneuvers, and threat response. Whether it’s a standalone unit or part of a larger fleet.


This humanoid robot is designed for an impressive range of motion, enabling it to perform complex tasks with grace and precision. It can navigate rugged terrains, leap over obstacles, and even perform acrobatic maneuvers. The robot is available in four distinct models:

“Work P”: This unarmed version is built for labor-intensive work, such as on construction sites for tasks requiring strength and delicate assembly or in warehouses managing inventory and transport… While it comes without weaponry, it is often retrofitted with third-party kits to add guns and rifles (In those cases, it can reload but can’t shoot two guns simultaneously.).

121341D8 (9mm shots, 120 rnds)

“Non-lethal Watchman”: Equipped for crowd control and non-lethal intervention, this model is equipped with a robust build and can deploy four taser projectiles at once. It carries a supply of 40 rubber bullets and has a pepper spray reservoir equivalent to 10 cans, which it can project in a jet up to 2 meters.

”Security Watchman”: This version is designed for more aggressive security measures, capable of deploying eight taser projectiles at once and loaded with 120 rounds of 9mm Luger ammunition for lethal force scenarios.

121241D10 (.40 shots, 30 rnds)
1D12 (.42 shot, 25 rnds)

Military-Grade Model: The most advanced in its series, this model boasts dual firearms, each capable of firing 500 rounds of 7.5mm ammunition per minute, with a total of 1000 rounds stored internally. Optionally, it can be fitted with a shoulder-mounted micro-spike missile or a grenade launcher for heavy-duty combat scenarios.


The ANZ is the most sophisticated humanoid

robot. Specially engineered for high-stakes

scenarios, ANZ has unparalleled agility and dexterity.

It features improved joint flexibility and

faster servo-motors, allowing for a broader

range of motion and quicker reactions. The robot’s structure is lightweight yet robust, enabling high-speed movement and complex acrobatics. This lightweight frame sacrifices some of the heavy armor found in the Alto models (especially the Security Watchman and Military-Grade Models) - This design choice prioritizes agility and speed over defense, making ANZ ideal for scenarios where maneuverability and quick action are crucial, such as in advanced reconnaissance or emergency response, rather than direct combat roles.


The Behemoth-6 is a six-legged combat robot engineered for frontline engagement. Its design, emphasizing stability and resilience, allows it to carry a greater array of weaponry and defensive systems. The added legs contribute to a slower movement speed, yet they afford the Behemoth-6 an unmatched steadiness, particularly in uneven or treacherous terrain. This machine’s imposing presence on the battlefield is not just due to its size but also its ability to bear the weight of enhanced armor plating and a diverse arsenal, from mounted cannons to missile launchers.